
Somewherinafrica is not “just about Africa” or “black people”, we moving away from clichés. It’s a concept. It’s a blog about Design, Illustration, Photography, Music. All those things that make our hearts go. The goal is to tell great stories, and we hope to change bad habits we witness in field like advertising, marketing,  one story at a time. We are passionate about businesses (big or small) how they use stories to thrive in an even more competitive environment. It’s a long journey through all the “visually wrong” things happening in the corporate world. We know that by pointing those issues and provide solutions, change will come. In time.

Want to know more about us? You can check our website. www.kilifori.com

We hope you’ll find the reading experience we provide enjoyable, as we took great fun creating all the content you are about to devour. 🙂

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